5 Superfoods For Serious Results

I get asked a ton of questions about food… what to eat, when to eat, etc. Usually my answer is that you really can’t go wrong with whole “real” foods — the kinds of foods that don’t come from a manufacturer and that don’t have a long list of ingredients.

But some foods can give you an extra “edge” when it comes to specific goals…Like this list of foods that can help you boost your metabolism!

How many of these do you eat (or drink) regularly?

5 Metabolism-Boosting Superfoods

  1. Lean Meat (turkey, bison, chicken)
    Not only does protein-rich meat help you build and maintain your muscle, but it can boost your metabolic rate by 15–30% because it takes your body more work to digest it. 
  2. Fish and seafood
    Yes, fish and seafood are packed with protein that gives them all the benefits of lean meat — but they also contain key nutrients that support your thyroid! Your thyroid plays a huge role in your metabolism. 
  3. Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.)
    A great plant-based source of protein, legumes also contain resistant starch, a special type of prebiotic fiber that feeds the good bacteria in your gut. These bacteria create short-chain fatty acids that can help your body use stored fat for energy.

  4. Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pepitas, chia seeds, etc.)
    Even though they’re small, nuts and seeds are loaded with metabolism-boosting goodness: protein, healthy fats, fiber, essential nutrients, and antioxidants. Just remember, a serving = the size of your thumb.

  5. Coffee and Tea
    The caffeine in both of these beverages temporarily raises your metabolic rate and it may also help your body burn fat.
    Plus, tea contains catechins, a compound that teams up with caffeine to further boost your metabolism. Extra credit: both oolong and matcha green tea may contain special fat-burning compounds and may also help you burn extra calories during your workouts.

Remember: it’s not about aiming for a “perfect” diet, but about making healthy choices that support your goals AND your lifestyle!

Rob Quimby, CPT

Owner, Fitness Lifestyle LLC


Rob is the owner and founder of Fitness Lifestyle Personal Training. He has been training for over thirty-three years; seventeen of those years as a personal trainer helping others reach their goals.



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