Core & Upper Body Blast Workout

I’ve got a special treat for you (insert my best coach “evil chuckle” here!). It’s a sneaky core and upper body workout that you can do almost anywhere… requires no equipment (although you can use some if you want)... and it takes just 10-15 minutes....

6 Reasons to Take More Vacations for Better Health

You probably don’t need another reason to take a vacation…😉 But as it turns out, vacations are seriously good for your health!  And did you know that almost half of all Americans don’t use up all their paid time off every year!? Vacations can decrease your risk of:...

This mom has got it going on

The other day I was stopped at a traffic light and looked over at the car next to me. And I saw something that surprised me... The woman behind the wheel was eating a meal out of a Tupperware container. And her kids in the backseat were doing the same thing! No fast...

Get stronger (without lifting heavier)

Here’s one of my favorite (and simple!) tricks that can help you: Boost your strength Work your core Improve your balance Build athleticism Rev up the fun factor in your workouts It’s called unilateral training… which is a fancy term for using just one arm or one leg!...

Here’s an inside secret…

Did you know your brain has a secret superpower? It's true — our brains are hardwired to thrive on support, especially when we're chasing down big goals. It's how we've survived for centuries. Which leads me to this really important question: Do you have...

Do this every morning and watch things change!

Want to know a trick to help that’ll help you feel more grounded and focused on your goals? It's something that’ll help you set the tone for the entire rest of the day. It’s reading your values and goals every morning. Here’s why it works… Ever notice how...

I don’t do this enough, either…

No one wants to hear this, but making major changes in your health and fitness takes time. That means you probably won’t see results as quickly as you want to. It also means that if you’re serious about achieving your goals, you HAVE to find a way to enjoy the...

It’s time to set some rules…

If you don’t have a list of NON-NEGOTIABLES you could be missing out on one of your best tools for staying on track when you find your healthy habits slipping away. Let’s say your schedule suddenly gets crazy. So you grab a takeout meal (or two)… miss a workout… and...

The “military method” to fall asleep fast

Ever thought about how soldiers manage to sleep amidst the stress and danger of a warzone?The answer is…It takes practice. Back in World War II, U.S. Navy pilots used a 6-step method that — allegedly — helped them fall asleep in 120 seconds or less after 6 weeks of...

One bad night of sleep can do WHAT?!

I have some good news and bad news when it comes to your sleep habits…Ready for the bad news first? If you’re someone who has the occasional late-night Netflix binge or accidentally scrolls on social media until the wee hours of the morning from time to time…It may...

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How to earn your sleep

How to earn your sleep

You know those nights when you slip into bed and the sheets feel soooo good? Your body is tired, your mind is calm, and you’re perfectly set up for a great night of Zzzs.

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Carrot vs. stick

Carrot vs. stick

Which motivates you more: Running toward something you want (a “carrot”) OR Running away from something you want to escape (a “stick”)?

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Something to look forward to…

Something to look forward to…

Can you believe we’re just about to say goodbye to 2023? I started to write you an email about setting goals for the coming year. But then I thought it would be more exciting to go even BIGGER — and set a THEME for 2024.

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“I just can’t get motivated”

“I just can’t get motivated”

Here’s something I hear a lot… “I just can’t get motivated.” Or another one… “I’m going to start working out again when I get my motivation up.”  I get it… but I also know a secret that I **reallyreallyreally** want YOU to know, too.

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Small victories = BIG wins

Small victories = BIG wins

You know those moments when you feel like you’re up against a challenge SO big, it seems like there’s no way out?  Maybe you feel like you have a lot of weight to lose, or maybe you’re up against a health concern that seems “impossible” to fix. 

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Perfect Plate Formula

Perfect Plate Formula

I’ve got a “hack” to share with you today that could be a game changer in your journey to healthier eating.  It’s NOT a new supplement, a superfood, or a fad diet. But it IS more effective – and healthier! – than all of those things.

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How to get a healthy glow

How to get a healthy glow

This month we’re taking a deep dive into some unexpected ways fitness can play a role in your health and wellness. Today I’ve got a hot topic for you… your skin! 

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Is sugar sabotaging your health?

Is sugar sabotaging your health?

This sugar stat caught me by surprise… and I thought I already knew a LOT about sugar.  👉 Eating just 100 calories a day of sugar (which is about 25 grams of added sugars, or 6 teaspoons) is linked to 45 DIFFERENT negative health outcomes.

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What happens when you skip a workout

What happens when you skip a workout

Within the first week, you lose endurance, and your heart rate may be higher when you’re active. You might find yourself huffing and puffing when you do your next cardio workout, and it’ll take a few workouts to get your cardio fitness back. Within the first couple weeks, you start to lose strength and your muscles start to shrink in size, which can lead to weight gain.

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How many calories do you burn every day?

How many calories do you burn every day?

What if I told you there’s ONE number you need to pay attention to BEFORE you start counting calories, macros, or anything else?  For many of us, this number is a complete mystery. But once you figure it out, it’s a complete game-changer.

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Save this workout on your phone

Save this workout on your phone

I’ve got a double-duty workout that’ll get your heart pumping AND work nearly every muscle group in your body. You game? This workout is PERFECT for when you’re traveling or strapped for time, so save this on your phone and come back to it whenever you’re too busy for a full-blown gym session!

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