Better posture starts with a stronger core

They work SUPER HARD for you all day, every day. But most of us don’t give our core muscles the attention they deserve – and when we DO think about them, it’s probably about how they look.

Well, here’s something eye-opening…

Your core muscles:

  • Form the basis of basically EVERY movement you make, day and night.
  • They keep your spine safe and stable as you move your arms and legs.
  • They help you keep your balance.
  • They power your breathing,
  • Support your organs, and
  • Keep you standing and sitting tall.

When they are out of whack, you can get headaches, neck aches, and low back pain (80% of us will suffer from back pain at some point!).

You also can feel stiff and sore, tired, or have a hard time turning your head in either direction – plus, having weak core muscles can make you feel older than you actually are.

The problem is that for many of us, these muscles are out of balance because of the everyday things we do (or don’t do).

  • Sitting slouched in front of a laptop, or sitting too much,
  • Walking hunched over a phone, and
  • Sleeping in not-so-optimal positions (i.e., curled up in a ball)

So … what can you do about it?

We are going to take a deep dive into CORE STRENGTH explore the hows and whys of making your core stronger.

And it all starts with a little assignment for you …

—> Every time you look at your phone today, think about your POSTURE!

Sitting or standing tall helps keep those muscles in balance. Plus, it can improve your breathing AND your energy level.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes. It’s the simple things we do every day that can have the biggest impact on how we feel!

We’re all about helping our clients install simple (but life-changing!) habits to create change and get REAL results!

Rob Quimby, CPT

Owner, Fitness Lifestyle LLC


Rob is the owner and founder of Fitness Lifestyle Personal Training. He has been training for over thirty-three years; seventeen of those years as a personal trainer helping others reach their goals.


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