Overcoming your inner critic

Ready for a reframe that will totally change your ability to get through roadblocks? Your mindset and your thoughts are NOT the same thing. Once you realize this — and I mean really FEEL it in your gut — it can make it a lot easier to rise to the challenge of your goals (and maybe even add a fun factor).

Because while you don’t have a lot of control over your thoughts, you DO have control over your mindset, which means you can harness it to help you.

Here’s what I mean:

  • Your thoughts are like random “blips” that run through your mind.
    Thoughts sound like “Do I have to stop for gas on my way to work tomorrow? It’s hot in here. We’re out of eggs. Is there water in the dog bowl? Wow, look at how blue the sky is today!”
  • Your mindset is an attitude, a frame of mind, a belief.
    This sounds more like: “I can do challenging tasks, and if I don’t have all the skills I need, I’ll learn them.”

As you might imagine, your mindset influences your thoughts. If it’s positive, you probably have more positive thoughts.

And — even better — when you have a growth mindset, you believe that skills and abilities are something you can learn and get better at over time.

Cultivating a growth mindset can help you:

  • Set more meaningful goals, and,
  • Work to bring those goals to life!

Here are 3 things you can do to help develop a growth mindset:

  1. Try something new or hard and practice it for a few weeks.
    Don’t look at the things you did “wrong” — focus on the new skills learned and your improvements over time. Be patient with yourself, just like you’d be with a child learning a new skill.
  2. Get support.
    There’s nothing like a pep talk (or a friendly drill sergeant!) to motivate you to keep trying. Struggling to learn a new skill? Take a class or hire a coach.
  3. Become a detective.
    When things don’t go well (it happens to everyone!), instead of beating yourself up for it, investigate what happened: detach your emotions, figure out why, come up with another approach or solution, and try, try, again!

Working with a coach is a GREAT option to help develop a growth mindset.

Often we are too close to our situation to see the big picture. A coach can help you step back and pinpoint the best actions that work with your goals, your lifestyle, your current bandwidth, and your schedule.

Because when your mindset is in place, you can be unstoppable!

Committed to your success,

Rob Quimby, CPT

Owner, Fitness Lifestyle LLC


Rob is the owner and founder of Fitness Lifestyle Personal Training. He has been training for over thirty-three years; seventeen of those years as a personal trainer helping others reach their goals.



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