You know I am a big believer in being “in the moment,” right? It’s huge for helping you relieve stress, focus on what’s important, and get the most out of every day.
And it has to do with something I hear every. single. year from my clients. Pretend it’s January 1st. How are you going to feel if you use the holidays as an excuse to put your health and wellness on the back burner?
And not just on the back burner …. but ended up going BACKWARDS?
Did you know that the average person expects to gain SEVEN POUNDS over the holiday season?!
Based on my experience as a coach, I can tell you how you’ll probably feel. You’ll feel like you’ve lost ground on any progress … you’ll feel tired … more bloated … your clothes will be tighter … and, yes, you’ll probably feel regretful.
It’s not a good spot to be in.
The good news is that you can make a few small changes NOW so you don’t end up in the majority of people who let their health and fitness slide. It’s all about keeping things REALISTIC to keep yourself on track. Which leads me to a little assignment for you…
Take two minutes right now … and think about how much time you can devote to your self-care through the holidays. What can you realistically commit to?
- 3 x 30-minute workouts a week?
- An hour of meal prep twice a week?
- Getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
- Staying hydrated?
- Choosing only your favorite treats (and leaving the rest for someone else)?
Whatever it is, schedule it into your planner.
Not only will you feel better, have more energy, sleep better, and actually ENJOY the holiday season more …
But you’ll build momentum to kick off 2022 strong and in control.
SO … what specific actions are you going to commit to starting THIS WEEK?
And you know what?
Telling someone else (accountability!) makes it more likely that you’ll actually follow through.
Accountability and support can go a long way toward helping you be CONSISTENT with your healthy habits… so can having a plan that works with your lifestyle.
Make it an amazing day!

Do you know the story about Hidilyn Diaz?
She’s a weightlifter from the Philippines. I hadn’t heard of her until the Olympics. One of the best things about the Games (beyond watching the amazing athletes in action) are the inspirational stories, don’t you agree? Hidilyn’s story is one of my favorites. ...

Test your mobility in under 2 minutes…
Are you up for a test of your body’s mobility today? It’ll take less than 2 mins ... and it’ll give you some good intel on how your body is doing mobility-wise. This is important because having a mobile body is a KEY part of being healthy and fit. When you have...

Try This Chamomile Chai and Sleep Better Tonight
I’ve got a delicious recipe for you today that just might help you sleep better! Which means this makes a perfect little nightcap drink – but you can enjoy it any time you want to relax. It combines the best tried-and-true home remedies … and it also tastes...

This might explain a few things…
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