Do this every morning and watch things change!

Do this every morning and watch things change!

Want to know a trick to help that’ll help you feel more grounded and focused on your goals? It’s something that’ll help you set the tone for the entire rest of the day. It’s reading your values and goals every morning. Here’s why it works… Ever notice...
I don’t do this enough, either…

I don’t do this enough, either…

No one wants to hear this, but making major changes in your health and fitness takes time. That means you probably won’t see results as quickly as you want to. It also means that if you’re serious about achieving your goals, you HAVE to find a way to enjoy the...
It’s time to set some rules…

It’s time to set some rules…

If you don’t have a list of NON-NEGOTIABLES you could be missing out on one of your best tools for staying on track when you find your healthy habits slipping away. Let’s say your schedule suddenly gets crazy. So you grab a takeout meal (or two)… miss a workout… and...
The “military method” to fall asleep fast

The “military method” to fall asleep fast

Ever thought about how soldiers manage to sleep amidst the stress and danger of a warzone?The answer is…It takes practice. Back in World War II, U.S. Navy pilots used a 6-step method that — allegedly — helped them fall asleep in 120 seconds or less after 6 weeks of...
One bad night of sleep can do WHAT?!

One bad night of sleep can do WHAT?!

I have some good news and bad news when it comes to your sleep habits…Ready for the bad news first? If you’re someone who has the occasional late-night Netflix binge or accidentally scrolls on social media until the wee hours of the morning from time to time…It may...