Does this myth get in your way?

This month we are going to talk about balance – work/life balance, a balanced diet, etc. – but first, I want to dispel a HUGE MYTH. Here it is:  When you take on something new – or ramp up to reach a big goal – sometimes you have to throw the idea of “balance” out the window.

AND IT’S A-OK TO DO THAT! (at least temporarily)
Not only is it OK, but it can be a necessity.

Think about it… when you:

  • Start working out or eating clean
  • Begin a new job
  • Move into a new place
  • Have a new relationship…

It throws your old idea of balance into disarray, at least for a while.

That’s because the new thing (whatever it is!) takes up more hours/bandwidth/energy, and that can mean giving LESS priority to some other things in your life.

But there’s an ultimate goal…
It’s to create a NEW idea of balance – one that includes the new thing as well as the other things that are important to you.

It’s not about striving for perfection. Instead, it’s about prioritizing and understanding what’s important to you now vs. three months ago vs. next year.

So, don’t be too hard on yourself if you feel like life isn’t perfectly balanced. It’s not meant to be. Instead, take a moment to appreciate the growth you’re experiencing!

And pat yourself on the back for taking on something new!

Rob Quimby, CPT

Owner, Fitness Lifestyle LLC



Rob is the owner and founder of Fitness Lifestyle Personal Training. He has been training for over thirty-three years; seventeen of those years as a personal trainer helping others reach their goals.


What to eat before & after your workout

What to eat before & after your workout

Did you know that what you eat before and after your workouts can affect your recovery time, workout efficiency, and even your muscle growth? It’s true.I even recommend keeping track of how certain foods make your body feel pre- and post-workout.To help you get...

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