Natural anxiety relief

Did you know that reports of anxiety are up 25% over the past couple of years? I personally think this number is low since anxiety shows up in different ways for different people … and it’s not always easy to recognize it as anxiety.

A few ways it can show up: feeling restless or agitated, having headaches and/or unexplained pains, trouble focusing, feeling tired, disrupted sleep, worrying, or rolling the same-old, same-old thoughts over and over in your head.

One of the best natural ways to get almost immediate relief from anxiety is to EXERCISE – especially workouts that get your heart rate up! It works in a few different ways to help you feel better, and studies show it rivals some prescription meds. (Pretty awesome!)

Here are a few ways exercise helps battle anxiety:

  • It can get your mind off of whatever is making you feel anxious
  • The very act of moving stops your muscles from being so tense
  • Getting your heart rate up boosts anti-anxiety brain chemicals
  • Plus, it activates the part of your brain that helps control the amygdala (Your amygdala can trigger feelings of fear & anxiety) 
  • PLUS … exercising regularly can help you become less vulnerable to strong emotions

The more regular you are with your workouts, the better your anxiety-killing results.

For the best results, find activities that get your heart rate up AND that you like doing – and keep doing them.

And … if you are experiencing serious anxiety, be sure to tell your doctor.

Just another reason to move your body and get in that workout!

Rob Quimby, CPT

Owner, Fitness Lifestyle LLC


Rob is the owner and founder of Fitness Lifestyle Personal Training. He has been training for over thirty-three years; seventeen of those years as a personal trainer helping others reach their goals.



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