7 Steps to Strengthen Your Immune System

I’ve got a hot topic for you in this post… And if you ask me, it hasn’t gotten enough attention over the past couple of years. It’s your immune system, and here’s why I think it needs more attention.

Your immune system is basically like your very own Marvel superhero universe, working hard to protect your body 24/7 from invaders. Here’s the overlooked part: when you strengthen your immune system, you actually create a fitter, stronger, leaner, and healthier body. 

Strengthening your immune system goes hand-in-hand with your health & fitness goals.

7 Steps to Strengthen Your Immune System:

  1. Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. Studies show not getting enough quality sleep makes you more susceptible to getting sick.
  2. Make sure your diet is packed with whole plant-based foods (fruits, veggies, nuts, legumes, etc.) because they contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and vitamin C, which all can help you fight illness.
  3. Get some fiber, too. Your gut microbiome is a big part of your immune system – the healthy bacteria in your gut can improve your immunity while keeping pathogens from getting into your body through your digestive tract.
  4. Cut back on added sugar. This one is a one-two punch. First, added sugars contribute to disease-causing inflammation. And second, they contribute to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, all of which can affect your immune system.
  5. Moderate exercise can cut inflammation plus promote the turnover of immune cells in your system. Aim for 150 minutes a week (5 x 30-minute sessions of exercises like brisk walking, swimming, jogging, biking, etc.)
  6. Don’t get dehydrated because it’s linked with lowered immunity. Try to drink at least half your bodyweight in ounces in water, daily (140 pounds = 70 ounces).
  7. Make time to destress by building stress management into your routine. This could be yoga, meditation, prayer, journaling, exercise, or anything else that helps you burn off stress. Being chronically stressed is linked with inflammation in your body, plus it can affect your immune cell function.

Being proactive about your health and well-being matters now and into the future!

How many of those 7 steps are you taking today?

Let me know!

The “military method” to fall asleep fast

The “military method” to fall asleep fast

Ever thought about how soldiers manage to sleep amidst the stress and danger of a warzone?The answer is…It takes practice. Back in World War II, U.S. Navy pilots used a 6-step method that — allegedly — helped them fall asleep in 120 seconds or less after 6 weeks of...

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Rob is the owner and founder of Fitness Lifestyle Personal Training.

He has been training for over thirty-three years; seventeen of those years as a personal trainer helping others reach their goals. 

Rob Quimby, CPT

Owner, Fitness Lifestyle LLC


Rob is the owner and founder of Fitness Lifestyle Personal Training. He has been training for over thirty-three years; seventeen of those years as a personal trainer helping others reach their goals.



The “military method” to fall asleep fast

The “military method” to fall asleep fast

Ever thought about how soldiers manage to sleep amidst the stress and danger of a warzone?The answer is…It takes practice. Back in World War II, U.S. Navy pilots used a 6-step method that — allegedly — helped them fall asleep in 120 seconds or less after 6 weeks of...

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One bad night of sleep can do WHAT?!

One bad night of sleep can do WHAT?!

I have some good news and bad news when it comes to your sleep habits…Ready for the bad news first? If you’re someone who has the occasional late-night Netflix binge or accidentally scrolls on social media until the wee hours of the morning from time to time…It may...

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Carrot vs. stick

Carrot vs. stick

Which motivates you more: Running toward something you want (a “carrot”) OR Running away from something you want to escape (a “stick”)?

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