Have a Better Day with a Morning Routine

Remember when you were little, and it was the last day of summer vacation? That means that tomorrow would be your first day back at school …Before bed, you chose your favorite outfit and laid it out so you would be ready. You (or your parents) might have planned your morning routine so you start your day right, get out the door on time, ready to take on the all-important start of a brand-new school year.

(Or was that just at my house?!)

Anyway … somewhere along the line, most of us outgrew that nighttime prep routine – usually in our rebellious teenage years.

We stopped giving much thought to setting ourselves up for success in the morning.

This is pretty ironic, since for a lot of us, the morning can be one of the most stressful, chaotic parts of our days!

How you START your day will set the tone for your entire day.

Well, I have a little challenge for you. 

Take a cue from 8-year-old “you” and think about the things you can do TONIGHT to get tomorrow off to a GREAT start.

Then spend a few minutes after dinner getting them done!

Maybe it’s making sure your clothes are ready for tomorrow … that your meals are planned and/or prepped … and your workout clothes are packed and ready to go.

Maybe you even go the extra mile and put together a quick to-do list so you don’t lose sleep worrying you’ll forget something.

It worked then, and it will still work now.

As I mentioned the other day, it’s the small habits we build into our daily lives that will help turn your 2021 goals into a reality.

Try this for ONE week and see what a difference it can make for you.

What to eat before & after your workout

What to eat before & after your workout

Did you know that what you eat before and after your workouts can affect your recovery time, workout efficiency, and even your muscle growth? It’s true.I even recommend keeping track of how certain foods make your body feel pre- and post-workout.To help you get...

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Rob is the owner and founder of Fitness Lifestyle Personal Training.

He has been training for over thirty-three years; seventeen of those years as a personal trainer helping others reach their goals. 

Rob Quimby, CPT

Owner, Fitness Lifestyle LLC



Rob is the owner and founder of Fitness Lifestyle Personal Training. He has been training for over thirty-three years; seventeen of those years as a personal trainer helping others reach their goals.


What to eat before & after your workout

What to eat before & after your workout

Did you know that what you eat before and after your workouts can affect your recovery time, workout efficiency, and even your muscle growth? It’s true.I even recommend keeping track of how certain foods make your body feel pre- and post-workout.To help you get...

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