What’s YOUR version of 100%?

What if you woke up tomorrow and decided to give the day your VERY BEST? And by that I mean, you intentionally decide to give everything you do 100% of your attention, focus, and effort. And then you BRING IT.

This isn’t something you can do EVERY day — because you’d burn out — but once in a while? It’s AMAZING.

Here’s why:

  • It helps you see what 100% of your effort looks and feels like
  • It helps you pinpoint your priorities and what truly needs your full attention vs. what doesn’t
  • It keeps you focused and in the moment
  • It helps you push the needle forward on what you’re capable of — no slacking allowed
  • And it doesn’t have to be for an entire day!

Even spending just an hour or two in “100%” mode a few times a week can yield HUGE results.

It can also help you level up because you’ll be able to easily recognize when you’re not operating at your absolute best.

Another thing I love: you get to decide what your 100% looks like.

Example: For a workout, it’s not about max weights, but great form and giving it your best effort.

**Your challenge: Pick an hour or two this week to bring your “100%” best!

Rob Quimby, CPT

Owner, Fitness Lifestyle LLC


Rob is the owner and founder of Fitness Lifestyle Personal Training. He has been training for over thirty-three years; seventeen of those years as a personal trainer helping others reach their goals.



Carrot vs. stick

Carrot vs. stick

Which motivates you more: Running toward something you want (a “carrot”) OR Running away from something you want to escape (a “stick”)?

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