This will help you look younger…

Want my BEST anti-aging tip? Stay active. I know it might not be what you want to hear, but it’s a cold, hard fact that physical exercise can slow down aging.

Carrot vs. stick

Which motivates you more: Running toward something you want (a “carrot”) OR Running away from something you want to escape (a “stick”)?

What to order at the drive-thru window

Has this ever happened to you? You’re on a road trip, or with family or friends, or maybe it’s a work trip

What to eat before & after your workout

Did you know that what you eat before and after your workouts can affect your recovery time, workout efficiency, and even your muscle growth? It’s true.I even recommend keeping track of how certain foods make your body feel pre- and post-workout.To help you get...

3 Post-Grocery-Shopping Hacks

Want to stop wasting food and start making the most out of your grocery hauls? If you find that your fruits, veggies, and herbs tend to go bad before you can use them…

9 pro-level grocery skills inside!

Confession time… Raise your hand if you’ve ever left your grocery list at home! (You can’t see me right now but my hand is up!)

5 Superfoods For Serious Results

I get asked a ton of questions about food… what to eat, when to eat, etc. Usually my answer is that you really can’t go wrong with whole “real” foods.

In praise of taking breaks!

Let’s talk about the most overlooked — and underappreciated! — productivity hack out there… Taking regular breaks during the day!

Your Power List

It turns out a simple to-do list is a POWERFUL science-backed tool in helping to get things done… and also in reducing stress.

When do you start your day?

What if instead of thinking of your day starting when you WAKE UP in the morning… You flipped it so that your day begins when you go to bed at night?

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Something to look forward to…

Something to look forward to…

Can you believe we’re just about to say goodbye to 2023? I started to write you an email about setting goals for the coming year. But then I thought it would be more exciting to go even BIGGER — and set a THEME for 2024.

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“I just can’t get motivated”

“I just can’t get motivated”

Here’s something I hear a lot… “I just can’t get motivated.” Or another one… “I’m going to start working out again when I get my motivation up.”  I get it… but I also know a secret that I **reallyreallyreally** want YOU to know, too.

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Small victories = BIG wins

Small victories = BIG wins

You know those moments when you feel like you’re up against a challenge SO big, it seems like there’s no way out?  Maybe you feel like you have a lot of weight to lose, or maybe you’re up against a health concern that seems “impossible” to fix. 

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Perfect Plate Formula

Perfect Plate Formula

I’ve got a “hack” to share with you today that could be a game changer in your journey to healthier eating.  It’s NOT a new supplement, a superfood, or a fad diet. But it IS more effective – and healthier! – than all of those things.

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How to get a healthy glow

How to get a healthy glow

This month we’re taking a deep dive into some unexpected ways fitness can play a role in your health and wellness. Today I’ve got a hot topic for you… your skin! 

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Is sugar sabotaging your health?

Is sugar sabotaging your health?

This sugar stat caught me by surprise… and I thought I already knew a LOT about sugar.  👉 Eating just 100 calories a day of sugar (which is about 25 grams of added sugars, or 6 teaspoons) is linked to 45 DIFFERENT negative health outcomes.

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What happens when you skip a workout

What happens when you skip a workout

Within the first week, you lose endurance, and your heart rate may be higher when you’re active. You might find yourself huffing and puffing when you do your next cardio workout, and it’ll take a few workouts to get your cardio fitness back. Within the first couple weeks, you start to lose strength and your muscles start to shrink in size, which can lead to weight gain.

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How many calories do you burn every day?

How many calories do you burn every day?

What if I told you there’s ONE number you need to pay attention to BEFORE you start counting calories, macros, or anything else?  For many of us, this number is a complete mystery. But once you figure it out, it’s a complete game-changer.

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Save this workout on your phone

Save this workout on your phone

I’ve got a double-duty workout that’ll get your heart pumping AND work nearly every muscle group in your body. You game? This workout is PERFECT for when you’re traveling or strapped for time, so save this on your phone and come back to it whenever you’re too busy for a full-blown gym session!

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8 reasons to work out that AREN’T weight loss

8 reasons to work out that AREN’T weight loss

A while ago I conducted a non-scientific (but still eye-opening!) poll. I asked a bunch of people who had a regular workout routine WHY they exercised.A lot of these people were in their 60s, 70s, and beyond, and most of them had been working out for decades.

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5 ways to show your heart some love

5 ways to show your heart some love

Can I blow your mind for a second? Do you have a tennis ball nearby?  Grab that tennis ball and give it a hard squeeze. That’s about the same amount of force your heart uses to pump blood through your body…

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You start losing this at 30…

You start losing this at 30…

I probably don’t have to ask you if you’ve ever thought about “losing weight” or “burning fat” — but how often do you think about building muscle? Most people don’t give their muscles much thought until they go to pick up something heavy or put on a bathing suit. 

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Let’s talk about the “S” word…

Let’s talk about the “S” word…

How many kinds of stress are you dealing with right now? (There are SIX major types of it.) Stress is like a double-edged sword for our health. In manageable doses, it can actually be good for you and boost your resilience. 

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8 Ways to “Own it”

8 Ways to “Own it”

This month we’re focused on taking BIG ACTION toward our goals by doubling down on the one thing that will help you move the needle forward in a BIG WAY…

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This lit a fire under me

This lit a fire under me

The other day I was in the middle of a workout and listening to a podcast. A guest said something to the effect of: “Change is going to happen no matter what. It’s up to YOU to decide whether that change is progress.”

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5 ways to get more veggies in your life

5 ways to get more veggies in your life

Here’s a fact: even if you love veggies, it can be hard to get the required amount (2 to 3 cups a day) and that’s a shame, because veggies are packed with vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds that your body needs to function at its very best.

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Have you ever said this?

Have you ever said this?

Here’s a trap almost everyone has fallen into at one point or another… Have you ever heard yourself say (maybe only to yourself) “When [insert anything you are waiting/hoping for] happens, I’ll start focusing more on my fitness/health”?

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What stands between you and your goals?

What stands between you and your goals?

This month we’re tackling a big topic: getting rid of what’s standing between you and your goals.  This could be what you put in your body  … what you focus on with your thoughts and beliefs … and anything else that’s cluttering up your fitness journey.

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