Core & Upper Body Blast Workout

I’ve got a special treat for you (insert my best coach “evil chuckle” here!). It’s a sneaky core and upper body workout that you can do almost anywhere… requires no equipment (although you can use some if you want)... and it takes just 10-15 minutes....

6 Reasons to Take More Vacations for Better Health

You probably don’t need another reason to take a vacation…😉 But as it turns out, vacations are seriously good for your health!  And did you know that almost half of all Americans don’t use up all their paid time off every year!? Vacations can decrease your risk of:...

This mom has got it going on

The other day I was stopped at a traffic light and looked over at the car next to me. And I saw something that surprised me... The woman behind the wheel was eating a meal out of a Tupperware container. And her kids in the backseat were doing the same thing! No fast...

Get stronger (without lifting heavier)

Here’s one of my favorite (and simple!) tricks that can help you: Boost your strength Work your core Improve your balance Build athleticism Rev up the fun factor in your workouts It’s called unilateral training… which is a fancy term for using just one arm or one leg!...

Here’s an inside secret…

Did you know your brain has a secret superpower? It's true — our brains are hardwired to thrive on support, especially when we're chasing down big goals. It's how we've survived for centuries. Which leads me to this really important question: Do you have...

Do this every morning and watch things change!

Want to know a trick to help that’ll help you feel more grounded and focused on your goals? It's something that’ll help you set the tone for the entire rest of the day. It’s reading your values and goals every morning. Here’s why it works… Ever notice how...

I don’t do this enough, either…

No one wants to hear this, but making major changes in your health and fitness takes time. That means you probably won’t see results as quickly as you want to. It also means that if you’re serious about achieving your goals, you HAVE to find a way to enjoy the...

It’s time to set some rules…

If you don’t have a list of NON-NEGOTIABLES you could be missing out on one of your best tools for staying on track when you find your healthy habits slipping away. Let’s say your schedule suddenly gets crazy. So you grab a takeout meal (or two)… miss a workout… and...

The “military method” to fall asleep fast

Ever thought about how soldiers manage to sleep amidst the stress and danger of a warzone?The answer is…It takes practice. Back in World War II, U.S. Navy pilots used a 6-step method that — allegedly — helped them fall asleep in 120 seconds or less after 6 weeks of...

One bad night of sleep can do WHAT?!

I have some good news and bad news when it comes to your sleep habits…Ready for the bad news first? If you’re someone who has the occasional late-night Netflix binge or accidentally scrolls on social media until the wee hours of the morning from time to time…It may...

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8 reasons to work out that AREN’T weight loss

8 reasons to work out that AREN’T weight loss

A while ago I conducted a non-scientific (but still eye-opening!) poll. I asked a bunch of people who had a regular workout routine WHY they exercised.A lot of these people were in their 60s, 70s, and beyond, and most of them had been working out for decades.

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5 ways to show your heart some love

5 ways to show your heart some love

Can I blow your mind for a second? Do you have a tennis ball nearby?  Grab that tennis ball and give it a hard squeeze. That’s about the same amount of force your heart uses to pump blood through your body…

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You start losing this at 30…

You start losing this at 30…

I probably don’t have to ask you if you’ve ever thought about “losing weight” or “burning fat” — but how often do you think about building muscle? Most people don’t give their muscles much thought until they go to pick up something heavy or put on a bathing suit. 

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Let’s talk about the “S” word…

Let’s talk about the “S” word…

How many kinds of stress are you dealing with right now? (There are SIX major types of it.) Stress is like a double-edged sword for our health. In manageable doses, it can actually be good for you and boost your resilience. 

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8 Ways to “Own it”

8 Ways to “Own it”

This month we’re focused on taking BIG ACTION toward our goals by doubling down on the one thing that will help you move the needle forward in a BIG WAY…

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This lit a fire under me

This lit a fire under me

The other day I was in the middle of a workout and listening to a podcast. A guest said something to the effect of: “Change is going to happen no matter what. It’s up to YOU to decide whether that change is progress.”

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5 ways to get more veggies in your life

5 ways to get more veggies in your life

Here’s a fact: even if you love veggies, it can be hard to get the required amount (2 to 3 cups a day) and that’s a shame, because veggies are packed with vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds that your body needs to function at its very best.

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Have you ever said this?

Have you ever said this?

Here’s a trap almost everyone has fallen into at one point or another… Have you ever heard yourself say (maybe only to yourself) “When [insert anything you are waiting/hoping for] happens, I’ll start focusing more on my fitness/health”?

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What stands between you and your goals?

What stands between you and your goals?

This month we’re tackling a big topic: getting rid of what’s standing between you and your goals.  This could be what you put in your body  … what you focus on with your thoughts and beliefs … and anything else that’s cluttering up your fitness journey.

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3 Relaxing Hip Opening Stretches

3 Relaxing Hip Opening Stretches

I’ve got a feel-good post for you today …. because it’s packed with THREE stretches that will open up your hips from every direction! These all feel GREAT while you’re doing them, and they’re perfect for the next time you’re watching TV or want to unwind after work.

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Does your butt have “amnesia”?

Does your butt have “amnesia”?

When you think about “core strength” … what do you think of? Six-pack abs? A flat tummy? A tiny waist?  Think again! This month we’re diving into all things CORE — and I think you’ll be wildly surprised at just how much your core strength affects your overall health…

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10,000 Steps

10,000 Steps

Taken a walk today? If not, you may want to pay close attention to this. You might have heard that 10,000 steps is a MUST for optimal health…

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The simple way to reach your goals

The simple way to reach your goals

I’ve got a tip for you that’s so simple it will blow your mind and make you think “dad joke”.
Want to know the secret to reaching your goals? It’s setting goals that you can reach.  I know that sounds like a no-brainer, but hear me out.

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This trap kills your goals

This trap kills your goals

You know I like to focus on the positive, right? Well, I’m about to tell you how NOT to reach your goals this year. Because there’s one big mistake you can make that can push you into a HUGE trap – and you’ll end up feeling frustrated, burned out, and like a quitter.

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12 Days of Fitmas Workout Inside!

12 Days of Fitmas Workout Inside!

It’s one of the most anticipated emails of the year … because it’s got all of the details for this year’s 12 Days of Fitmas Workout! This is a special holiday workout that will fire up your metabolism and help keep you on track with your goals.

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Future you will thank you for this

Future you will thank you for this

Over the years, I’ve had tons of clients tell me they were going to take the holidays off from their workouts and they’d see me again in January. And then in January, they said they wished they hadn’t taken the break!
They felt like they were starting over again.

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Will this unlock your results?

Will this unlock your results?

I came across a pretty cool study I wanted to share with you because it’s really important this time of year.
The study was published in the Journal of Health Communication. In it, researchers tracked 704 people in an online weight-loss program.

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The surprising advice I gave my crazy busy client

The surprising advice I gave my crazy busy client

The other day I met with a client who was SO frustrated because it felt like everything in her life was working against her goals. She has a demanding job … her family life is hectic … AND she is taking on some new responsibilities with her aging parents. “There is absolutely no time for ME,” she told me.

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Natural anxiety relief

Natural anxiety relief

Did you know that reports of anxiety are up 25% over the past couple of years? I personally think this number is low since anxiety shows up in different ways for different people … and it’s not always easy to recognize it as anxiety.

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Are you stronger than this?

Are you stronger than this?

Has this ever happened to you before? You’re planning to work out after work… but right when it’s time to leave, you start to think….You’re too tired…The weather is too cold/hot/nice/cruddy…You’re hungry…You have too much to do…You’re stressed….You’re not sure what workout to do…You really just want to watch something on Netflix, etc.

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How to follow the 80/20 plan

How to follow the 80/20 plan

Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule? It can apply to just about everything in your life … including your health and fitness. It’s an idea that works for a LOT of people. Not only does it get them out of the “all-or-nothing” mindset with food and health – but it’s also really simple.

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Take this Healthy Habits Quiz

Take this Healthy Habits Quiz

Raise your hand if you love a “how am I doing?” quiz. (I know I love them!)  I’ve got a little fitness & health self-audit for you today to help keep you on track with your healthy habits. This can be a good self-check to see if you need to double down on your healthy habits after the past few months.

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Unlock Better Performance

Unlock Better Performance

Controversial topic ahead! It includes the “D” word – detox!!! BUT … it’s different than you think. What if instead of talking about “detoxing” the body, we “detoxed” what we put in, on, and around our bodies? (NOTE: This is also known as living a healthy lifestyle!)

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How’s Your Sleep?

How’s Your Sleep?

When my clients are struggling in almost any area of their fitness there’s one question at the top of my list to help figure out what’s going on. “How’s your sleep?” Getting your sleep habits under control is a super important “basic” that will help skyrocket your results. 

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Meal Prep Superfood Bowl Recipe

Meal Prep Superfood Bowl Recipe

Your new favorite meal prep recipe is here! This Superfood Bowl comes together fast using convenience foods!  In just a few minutes, you can have 4 healthy meals ready to go for lunch or dinner… and if you want to add more protein, just add 3-4 ounces (80-115 g) of chopped rotisserie or grilled chicken to each serving. 

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Your top secret saboteur

Your top secret saboteur

Lately I’ve been talking about next-level steps you can take to boost your results … and today’s post might just be about the most important step. It affects almost every action you take and every decision you make.

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My top nutrition hack

My top nutrition hack

It’s nutrition hack day … and I’ve got a tip that will give you a major payoff both right now and into the future. But first, I need to start with a big question…. When you sit down to eat, do you pay attention to your food and how your body feels while you’re eating?

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